


当社は、明示する目的の範囲内で、適法かつ公正な手段によって個人情報の取得・利用・提供を行います。本人から直接書面にて取得する場合は、規格(JIS Q15001)の要求する事項については個人情報の主体である本人に告知し同意を取り付けます。また取得した個人情報の目的外利用はいたしません。そのための処置も講じます。






代表取締役 福岡 康博

個人情報に関する窓口 Mail:privacy@zowie.co.jp

当社は、以下の1~8の事項(※を含む)をご確認のうえ同意していただいた方に限り、住所、氏名、性別、電話番号、生年月日、電子メールアドレス等、個人情報(個人を識別できる情報)を取得いたします。 個人情報をご入力・ご提供いただく際は、以下の事項を必ずご確認のうえ、同意いただける場合のみ、ご入力・ご提供くださいますよう、お願いいたします。
※未成年(みせいねん)の方(かた) 又(また)は判断力(はんだんりょく)に 懸念(けねん)があると考(かんが)えられる 成人(せいじん)成年被後見人(せいねんひこうけんにん)・ 被保佐人(ひほさにん)・被補助人(ひほじょにん)の 方(かた)は、保護者(ほごしゃ)の方(かた)の同意(どうい)了解(りょうかい)をもらった上(うえ)でのご利用(りよう)、入力(にゅうりょく)をお願(ねが)いいたします。 なお、ご利用内容(りようないよう)や入力(にゅうりょく)された内容(ないよう)に不審(ふしん)な点てんがある場合(ばあい)、 当社(とうしゃから)保護者(ほごしゃ)の方(かた)へ直接(ちょくせつ)お問合(といあわ)せをする場合(ばあい)がございます。

8. 本ECサイトにおける、お客様の情報を共同利用するため

a) 法令に基づく場合
b) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
c) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
d) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき

当社が取得するお客様の個人情報は、あらかじめご本人の同意を得ることなく第三者へ提供することはありません。 また、今後、業務を適切に行うために第三者への提供が必要となった場合は、原則として、再度ご本人にご連絡をとり、同意を得るものとします。 ただし、上記a)~d)に該当する場合は、ご本人の同意なく提供を行う場合があります。

当社が取得する個人情報は、商品の発送や情報処理等の目的で、必要最小限の範囲で他企業へ委託することがあります。(配送業者など) 当該企業に対しては、個人情報の保護水準を満たしている業者を選定し、契約において秘密保持の義務付け等の監督を行っています。

(1) 共同して利用される個人データの項目:氏名、電話番号、電子メールアドレス、住所、性別、購入履歴、組織名、所在地その他の前条に定める利用目的達成のために必要な範囲の個人情報
(2) 共同して利用する者の範囲:株式会社ライツ・アンド・ブランズ、Moomin Characters Oy Ltd.(フィンランド)、Shopify株式会社、株式会社MFCJ
(3) 共同して利用する者の利用目的:前条に定める利用目的
(4) 共同して利用する個人情報の管理について責任を有する者の氏名又は名称及び住所並びに法人にあっては、その代表者の氏名:ゾーウィー株式会社、東京都中央区東日本橋2-4-9 宮城館ビル4F、代表取締役 福岡 康博

5. クレジットカード情報の取扱いについて

※株式会社エフレジは、クレジットカード業界のセキュリティ基準であるPCI DSSに完全準拠しております。

(1)お申し出先 : ゾーウィー株式会社 個人情報に関する窓口(詳細下記)
(2)お申し出の方法 : 書面の指定はありません
(3)ご本人の確認 : 以下の手順に従い、ご本人かどうかの確認をさせていただきます。
(4)代理人の確認 : 以下の手順に従い、代理人かどうかの確認をさせていただきます。
(5)開示等の手数料 : 原則として徴収いたしません。


カート・お客様自身の購入履歴の表示以外の目的でクッキーを利用することはありませんので、カート形式でお求めになる場合は、ブラウザのクッキー設定を有効にしてください。 当社サイトでは、サイトのユーザービリティーの向上に役立てるためのアクセスログの収集と、お客様がサイトを再度訪れたときに個人情報入力の手間が省け、一層便利に利用していただくために、このクッキー(Cookie)を利用しているページがあります。
インターネット閲覧ソフト(ブラウザ)の設定を操作することで、クッキー(Cookie)を拒否することも可能ですが、 当サイトの一部サービスに支障をきたすことがあります。なお、ブラウザの設定方法は各ブラウザ製造元へお問い合わせください。

当社のウェブサイトは、お客様の個人情報を保護するために「SSL」に対応しています。 お客様が入力される名前や住所あるいは電話番号などの個人情報が自動的に暗号化されて送受信されるため、万が一、送信データが第三者に傍受された場合でも、内容が盗み取られる心配はありません。


お客様が当社に個人情報を提供されるかどうかは、お客様の任意によるものです。 ただし、必要な項目を提供いただけない場合、当社が提供するサービス(商品の販売をはじめ、お問合せ等への対応を含みます。)を適切な状態でご利用いただけない場合があります。



プライバシーマーク制度は、日本産業規格「JIS Q 15001個人情報保護マネジメントシステム―要求事項」に適合して、個人情報について適切な保護措置を講ずる体制を整備している事業者等を認定して、その旨を示すプライバシーマークを付与し、事業活動に関してプライバシーマークの使用を認める制度です。
ゾーウィー株式会社〒103-0004 東京都中央区東日本橋2-4-9 宮城館ビル4F
TEL:03-6661-2858 / FAX: 03-6661-2859
福岡 康博

個人情報保護管理者 : 代表取締役 福岡 康博


住所:〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木一丁目9番9号 六本木ファーストビル内




1. 个人信息的获取、使用及提供
本公司将在明确告知的目的范围内,通过合法、公正的手段获取、使用及提供个人信息。在直接向本人获取书面信息的情况下,将根据标准(JIS Q15001)告知信息主体并取得同意。此外,本公司不会将所获取的个人信息用于目的外的用途,并采取相应措施以防止不当使用。

2. 遵守法律法规及其他规范

3. 个人信息的适当管理

4. 投诉及咨询的应对

5. 个人信息保护管理系统的持续改进


代表董事 福冈 康博



1. 个人信息的使用目的

a) 基于法律法规规定的情况
b) 为保护人身安全、生命或财产安全所必需,且难以获得本人同意的情况
c) 为提高公共卫生水平或促进儿童健康成长特别需要,且难以获得本人同意的情况
d) 需要配合国家机关或地方公共团体及其委托方执行法定职务,且征得本人同意可能会妨碍该职务正常执行的情形。

2. 个人信息的第三方提供

3. 个人信息的委托处理

4. 个人信息的共同使用
(1) 共同使用的个人数据项:姓名、电话号码、电子邮件地址、地址、性别、购买记录、组织名称、所在地及为实现上一条所述使用目的所需范围内的其他个人信息
(2) 共同使用者的范围:Rights&Brands株式会社、Moomin Characters Oy Ltd.(芬兰)、Shopify株式会社、株式会社MFCJ
(3) 共同使用者的使用目的:与上一条所述使用目的相同
(4) 负责管理共同使用的个人信息的责任方名称及地址(法定代表人姓名):Zowie株式会社,地址为东京都中央区东日本桥2-4-9宫城馆大厦4F,代表董事 福冈康博
(5) 获取方式:通过本公司电商网站的输入表单

5. 关于信用卡信息的处理

※株式会社F-REGI完全符合信用卡行业的安全标准PCI DSS。


6. 信息披露等请求的处理程序
(1) 申请受理部门:Zowie株式会社 个人信息咨询窗口(详细信息见下方)
(2) 申请方式:不限定书面形式
(3) 本人身份确认:将按以下程序进行本人身份确认
a) 全名
b) 出生日期(年龄)、地址、注册电话号码、电子邮件地址中的至少两项
c) 购买商品、购买时间的概要(仅限客户)与注册信息相符时,即确认为本人。
(4) 代理人身份确认:将按以下程序进行代理人身份确认
(5) 信息披露等手续费:原则上不收取费用。

7. 关于个人信息的咨询窗口

8. 关于从网站收集个人信息



9. 关于提供个人信息的自愿性

10. 关于持有的个人数据的安全管理措施

Zowie株式会社于2006年6月获得了隐私标志(Privacy Mark)认证。

隐私标志(Privacy Mark)制度是指,依据日本工业标准《JIS Q 15001个人信息保护管理系统—要求事项》,对符合标准、建立了适当个人信息保护措施的企业进行认证,授予其隐私标志,并允许其在业务活动中使用该标志的制度。
Zowie Corporation 邮编 103-0004 东京都中央区东日本桥 2-4-9 宫城馆大厦4楼
TEL:03-6661-2858 / FAX: 03-6661-2859
福冈 康博

个人信息保护管理员:代表董事 福冈 康博




Privacy Policy

Zowie Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") fully recognizes its social responsibility in protecting all personal information used in its business, including the production, planning, creation, and management of various exhibitions and events, as well as the planning, manufacturing, wholesale, and sales of character goods and original merchandise, and the operation of e-commerce sites. The Company is committed to protecting the rights and interests of individuals and complies with laws and regulations related to personal information.
Furthermore, in order to embody the policies outlined below, we hereby declare that the Company will establish a personal information protection management system and work company-wide to continuously improve it, while remaining fully aware of the latest IT trends, changes in societal demands, and shifts in the business environment.

1. Acquisition, Use, and Provision of Personal Information
The Company acquires, uses, and provides personal information through appropriate and fair methods within the scope of the purposes indicated in advance. When acquiring personal information directly in writing, we will explain the necessary matters to the individual in accordance with the requirements of the standard (JIS Q15001) and obtain their consent. Additionally, the Company will not use acquired personal information for purposes other than those stated, and measures will be implemented to prevent such use.

2. Compliance with Laws and Other Standards
The Company will handle personal information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act, other relevant laws, government guidelines, and industry standards. Additionally, we will act in accordance with our personal information protection management system, which conforms to the applicable standards.

3. Proper Management of Personal Information
The Company will manage the personal information it handles securely and accurately. To prevent leaks, loss, or damage of personal information, we will implement reasonable and appropriate information security measures and work to prevent and correct risks related to personal information.

4. Handling Complaints and Inquiries
The Company will establish a contact point for complaints and inquiries related to the handling of personal information and the personal information protection management system, and will respond appropriately and promptly.

5. Continuous Improvement of the Personal Information Protection Management System
The Company will implement and maintain its personal information protection management system, regularly review its content, and strive for continuous improvement.

Established: June 1, 2005
Revised: April 1, 2024

Zowie Corporation
Representative Director: Yasuhiko Fukuoka

Contact for Personal Information: Mail: privacy@zowie.co.jp

Acquisition of Personal Information by Our Company : Matters for Confirmation and Consent
Our company will only acquire personal information (information that can identify an individual), such as address, name, gender, phone number, date of birth, and email address, from those who confirm and agree to the following matters 1 to 8 (including those marked with ※). When entering or providing personal information, please ensure that you review the following matters and only proceed if you agree.

For minors or adults who may have concerns regarding their judgment capacity, such as those under guardianship, those under conservatorship, or those under assistance, please ensure that you have the consent and understanding of a guardian before using or entering information. If there are any suspicious points regarding the usage or entered content, we may contact the guardian directly.

1.Purpose of Use of Personal Information
The purposes for which the Company uses the acquired personal information are as follows:

[Means of Acquisition]
Through our e-commerce site, direct inquiries and consultations from customers (via email, phone, interviews, etc.).

[Acquired Personal Information]

[Purpose of Use of Personal Information]
1) To notify customers of information regarding this e-commerce site and service content, updates, changes to terms and conditions, etc.
2) To provide guidance on this e-commerce site and respond to inquiries.
3) To address actions that violate our terms and other regulations related to this e-commerce site and service.
4) To improve this e-commerce site and service, develop new services, and conduct associated marketing activities.
5) To deliver or display advertisements for this e-commerce site or third parties.
6) To process customer orders, handle product shipments, facilitate payment transactions, provide services, assess credit, and manage receivables.
7) To inform customers about products and services, send newsletters, respond to various inquiries, and provide after-sales service.
8) To share customer information for joint use on this e-commerce site.

If we need to use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the intended purpose, we will generally contact the individual again to obtain their consent. However, this does not apply in the following cases:
a) When required by law
b) When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
c) When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound development of children, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
d) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or their entrusted parties in performing duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the individual's consent may hinder the execution of those duties

2.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The personal information we acquire from customers will not be provided to third parties without obtaining prior consent from the individual. Additionally, if it becomes necessary to provide personal information to third parties for the proper conduct of our business, we will generally contact the individual again to obtain their consent. However, in cases that fall under a) to d) above, we may provide personal information without the individual's consent.

3.Delegation of Personal Information
The personal information we acquire may be delegated to other companies for purposes such as product shipping and information processing, within the necessary scope (e.g., delivery companies). When doing so, we select companies that meet the required standards for personal information protection and supervise them by including confidentiality obligations in contracts.

4.Joint Use of Personal Information
1) Items of personal data to be jointly used: Name, phone number, email address, address, gender, purchase history, organization name, location, and other personal information necessary for achieving the purposes outlined in the previous article.
2) Scope of those who will jointly use the information: Rights and Brands Inc., Moomin Characters Oy Ltd. (Finland), Shopify Inc., and MFCJ Inc.
3) Purpose of joint use by those involved: The purposes outlined in the previous article.
4) Name or designation and address of the person responsible for managing jointly used personal information, and in the case of a corporation, the name of its representative: Zoey Corporation, 4F Miyagikan Building, 2-4-9 Higashinihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yasuhiko Fukuoka.
5) Method of acquisition: Input forms on our e-commerce site.

5.Handling of Credit Card Information
The purposes for which we acquire credit card information, the name of the entity acquiring the credit card information, the name of the recipient, and the retention period are as follows:
- Purpose of Use: To process payments for the services provided
- Name of the Entity Acquiring Information: Zowie Corporation
- Recipients of the Information: Various payment service providers, including the card companies used during credit card transactions.
- Retention Period: Credit card information is directly transmitted to the payment server operated by Efureji Inc. using a tokenization method (non-card information transmission), so it does not pass through the online shop server.
Additionally, our online shop and Future Shop Inc. do not retain any credit card information.
Efureji Inc. is fully compliant with PCI DSS, the security standards of the credit card industry.
Additionally, we will clearly state the following items regarding the provision of credit card information to payment service providers:
- Purpose of Providing Information to Payment Service Providers: To process payments and handle inquiries related to credit card payments for customers who wish to use our services.
- Items of Personal Information Provided to Payment Service Providers: Credit card holder's name, credit card company name, credit card number, expiration date, and security code.
- Means or Method of Providing Credit Card Information: Transmission via SSL communication from the website.
- Type and Attributes of Organizations Receiving the Credit Card Information: Credit card payment service providers.
- Contract Regarding the Handling of Personal Information Between Us and the Payment Service Providers: Yes.

6.Procedure for Responding to Requests for Disclosure, etc.
At our company, if a request for disclosure (notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of contents, suspension of use, deletion, suspension of provision to third parties, or disclosure of third-party provision records) is made by the individual or their representative, we will promptly respond after confirming that the requester is the individual or their representative. Please check the following 1) to 5) before making your request.
1) Contact for Requests: Zowie Corporation Personal Information Inquiry Desk (details below)
2) Method of Request: No specific format is required for the written request.
3) Verification of Identity: We will confirm whether the requester is the individual by following the steps below:
For verbal requests (in-person or over the phone): If the request is made by phone, we will return the call after confirming your identity.
a) Full name
b) Date of birth (age), address, registered phone number, and email address (at least      two of these)
c) A summary of purchased items and purchase date (for customers only) to verify       against registered information.
For email inquiries, we will check the consistency of the sending email address and other registered information.
For written inquiries, we will contact you by phone and verify your identity as per the steps for verbal requests.
4) Verification of the Representative: We will verify whether the requester is a representative by following the steps below. Please provide documents to confirm both the identity of the individual and that of the representative (a copy of one of the following: driver’s license, passport, family register, health insurance card, national pension handbook), along with a letter of authorization (must be sealed), a seal registration certificate (with the seal used on the letter of authorization), and a written statement describing the content of the request. If any of the documents you submit contain information about your registered domicile, please black out that section before sending it.
Note: We will not disclose any personal information regarding the customer, even to family members, if the contact is not from the individual or their representative.
5) Fees for Disclosure Requests: In principle, we do not charge a fee.

7. Contact for Personal Information
For inquiries, complaints, or consultations regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us at the following:
Email: privacy@zowie.co.jp

8. Collection of Personal Information from the Website

(1) Use of Cookies
Our website uses cookies to identify your computer and enhance your convenience. Cookies are sent to your computer and are used to recognize it, but they are not used to identify you personally. Additionally, cookies do not cause any harm to your computer.

About Cookies
Cookies are pieces of data that contain information about you and are stored on your computer's hard drive. On our site, cookies are not linked to personally identifiable information. You can still use our site even if you refuse cookies. However, cookies are used on product detail pages and the shopping cart, and if you refuse cookies, the shopping cart may not function properly.

We do not use cookies for unnecessary data collection. Cookies are only used for the shopping cart and to display your purchase history, so if you want to use the cart feature, please enable cookie settings in your browser. Additionally, our site uses cookies to collect access logs to enhance user convenience and to simplify the input of personal information when you revisit the site.

You can refuse cookies by changing your web browser settings, but this may affect your ability to use some services on our site. For information on how to change your browser settings, please contact the manufacturer of your browser.

(2) Regarding SSL
Our website uses a technology called "SSL" to protect your personal information. This technology automatically encrypts personal information such as your name, address, and phone number when you enter it, ensuring that even if the transmitted data is intercepted by a third party, there is no risk of the content being stolen.

(3) Regarding Access Logs
Our website records visitor information in the form of "access logs." Access logs include details such as the visitor's domain name, IP address, browser type, and access date and time, but typically do not contain personally identifiable information. These access logs are used for website maintenance and statistical analysis of usage, but they are not used for any other purposes.

9. Voluntariness of Providing Personal Information
It is up to the customer to decide whether or not to provide personal information to our company. However, if necessary information is not provided, the customer may not be able to use our services (including product sales and responses to inquiries) properly.

10. Safety Management Measures for Retained Personal Data
To protect the personal data we hold, we have implemented the following safety measures. If you have any detailed questions regarding these safety management measures, please contact our inquiry window.
1) Formulation of Basic Policy
- We have established a basic policy to ensure the proper handling of personal data.
2) Establishment of Regulations for Handling Personal Data
- We have created regulations for handling personal data to prevent leaks and ensure safety management.
3) Organizational Safety Management Measures
- We appoint a responsible person for handling personal data and establish a reporting system for any violations of laws or regulations.
- The roles of employees who handle personal data and the scope of the data are clearly defined.
- We conduct regular self-inspections and external audits to verify the status of personal data handling.
- We review and improve our personal information protection system based on the handling status.
4) Human Safety Management Measures
- We raise awareness about the importance of personal data protection and provide regular training.
- We obtain confidentiality agreements from employees who handle personal data.
5) Physical Safety Management Measures
- We manage the entry and exit of employees and visitors in areas where personal data is handled.
- We establish measures for the use, storage, and disposal of equipment, documents, and electronic media to prevent theft or loss.
6) Technical Safety Management Measures
- We implement access control to limit the range of personnel and personal information handled.
- We identify and authenticate employees who use the information systems that handle personal data.
- We have introduced mechanisms to protect the information systems from unauthorized access or malicious software.
7) Understanding of External Environment
- We understand the personal information protection systems of foreign countries when handling personal data in those countries and implement appropriate safety management measures.

Our Personal Information Protection System
Zowie Corporation obtained the Privacy Mark in June 2006.

The Privacy Mark system is a certification program that recognizes businesses that have established appropriate measures for protecting personal information in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standard "JIS Q 15001." Certified businesses are granted the Privacy Mark, which allows them to use the mark in their business activities.

[Internal Structure]
Business Name and Address: Zowie Corporation, 4F Miyagikan Building, 2-4-9 Higashinihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0004, Japan
TEL: 03-6661-2858 / FAX: 03-6661-2859
Representative: Yasuhiro Fukuoka

Personal Information Protection Administrator:
Yasuhiro Fukuoka, Representative Director
*For inquiries regarding personal information protection, please contact the personal information window.

[Name of Certified Personal Information Protection Organization and Complaint Resolution Contact]
Certified Personal Information Protection Organization Name: Japan Information Economy Society Promotion Association (JIPDEC)

Complaint Resolution Contact: Office of the Certified Personal Information Protection Organization
Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Phone Numbers: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779
Note: The contact information above is not for inquiries regarding our services.
To enhance the protection of our customers' personal information and to respond to changes in laws and regulations, we may revise our "Handling of Personal Information" policy.


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