Sniff and Musk Mouse are now available in the Classic Collection. This is the last classic collection designed by Arabian designer Tove Slotte.
In 2024, Sniff and the Musk Mouse are new to Moomin Arabia's classic collection.The two characters have completely opposite approaches to life. Sniff is a dreamer who is always dreaming of wealth and fame, and Musk Mouse is a philosopher who thinks about life. Sniff is a familiar face in the classic collection, but musk mouse is now appearing on Moomin Arabia tableware for the first time!
The long-awaited musk mouse makes its first appearanceThe strict philosopher musk mouse is a new character appearing in Moomin Arabia tableware. The hammock in the Moomin House garden is a musk mouse's favorite. One day, the musk mouse falls out of his hammock and loses his dignity. He becomes fed up with Moomin House's restlessness and retreats to a cave by the sea where no one can disturb him. The Musk Mouse's philosophy is illustrated by the title of his favorite book in his lap, ``On the Uselessness of Everything.'' The tableware to be released this time depicts these stories of musk mice.
Sniff's tableware with a new storyThis year's tableware is the third installment of the familiar Sniff classic collection. In Tove Jansson's first comic, ``Moomin Alone'' (1954-55), many relatives and friends come to Moomin's house, and Moomin, who can no longer live under the same roof, asks Sniff. helps his best friend Moomin get rich quickly and build his own home. Sniff invents an elixir of youth and begins selling it in Moominvalley, but to his surprise, anyone who drinks it transforms into the exact opposite of themselves. Small people grow up and old women become old gentlemen. The new tableware that will be released this time depicts a scene in which Sniff gives a secret medicine to a turtle that transforms into a Shinkansen. On the reverse side, Sniff can be seen standing on a beach at sunset, dreaming of wealth and fame. Next to Sniff is Sophus, a small helper character who follows Sniff and Moomin everywhere.