Special feature on refreshing color itemsWe've gathered refreshing colors and glass items that are perfect for the hot season!
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Glass accessoriesfrom HARIO Lampwork Factory are handmade one by one. The clear glass sparkles and beautifully colors your everyday life. Clickhere for the product page.
A leather walletfrom the Kobe-based brand "Baggy Port." A cute item with a bright blue color and a foil-stamped accent. Clickhere for the product page.
Bags and Pouches:Tote bags and pouches with beautifully detailed embroidery, and basket bags with the texture of handmade block prints. Clickhere for product pages .
Fabriccurtains that are perfect for entranceway partitions and interior decorations, as well as large handkerchiefs that can be used for various purposes, are attractive for their gorgeous designs that allow you to enjoy the world of Moomin. Clickhere for the product page
Tableware: ARABIA glassware with gorgeous embossed patterns inspired by natural patterns, and mugs and plates with precious art from "Celebrating Tove Jansson." Clickhere for the product page .
STALOGY notebooks feature illustrations from novels embossed on the back cover ofthe stationery , so you can use them as a diary, planner, or whatever you like. Click here for the product page.